
Strider knives dealer
Strider knives dealer

strider knives dealer

The MIL-LE marker stands for Military and Law Enforcement, which is the women and men Prometheus had in mind when this blade was being made. #14 – Prometheus Design Werx DW Invictus MIL-LE Edition Damascus steel with an OTF build that jumps out of the carbon fiber handle like a methed-up boogieman, nothing out there is tougher or scarier than the Hellhound. price tag, but their Ultratech line manages to crank this up yet another notch. #13 – Microtech Ultratech Damascus Hellhound

strider knives dealer

It’s a dagger style blade built less for work than for close-quarters shiv action with whatever the best steel available is. What the Combat version brings to the table is 25% more size for easier handling and more real estate to grip for bayonetting. The flagship of Microtech, and perhaps the entire automatic knife industry, the Troodon is a fault-free knife to begin with. #12 – Microtech Combat Troodon Check Price A G10 scale, titanium locking, stainless handle, and416 steel build makes this knife a small, flat, deep carry wonder that belongs in every collection. Among ProTech’s deep bench of options, the SnG stands out, not only for being a collaboration with Strider, but for capturing the tactical essence of an auto knife. Each brand specializes in these kind of cutters and both make the best on the market today. When it comes to automatic knives, there’s two names to know: ProTech and Microtech. Though, if you’re like us, you just can’t help yourself, no matter what Washington’s fat bastards have to say. Manufacturers have done an excellent job of finding ways of making modern switchblades that slip through the loopholes in the laws, but even so, you can find yourself in a mess of legal trouble if you are caught carrying, buying, selling, importing, handling, or looking too closely at an automatic knife. Since then, it’s been difficult to get automatic knives, which are actually just like any other blade, except a little more efficient.


The same way that marijuana, motorcycles, tattoos, and free love became part of the agenda of politicians, so too did automatic knives get labeled as “Evil” by untrustworthy government officials who needed something to rally against. That’s when the government stuck its grubby little fingers into the pie and passed theSwitchblade Knife Act of 1958. This was a Hollywood fabrication that eventually led to many young greaser punks packing the knives around. Soon after, moving pictures of the time started depicting street toughs carrying these blades. These spring-assisted knives had a small following in Europe, which was then brought over to the United States after WWII when brave, Nazi-killing soldiers saw these snap-open knives during their time fighting in the European theatre and adopted them for home use.

Strider knives dealer